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Live Life Well Always - You only have one to live!
Maria's Wellness Journey
Our wellness journeys take us on many paths. Some may be clear and others not so clear. Its how we approach the paths that determine where we end up.
A section dedicated to "Everything Alzheimer's" provides great resources about Alzheimer's and Dementia.
In "Everything Wellness" I bring you information about the foundational core that make us human and we require to live life well. These are:
Physical Wellness
Mental Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Occupational Wellness
Nutritional Wellness
Social Wellness
Spiritual Wellness

Maria Scuor
Feb 533 min read
Mission Bone Marrow - Missione Midollo Osseo
Scorri a basso per l’italiano TikTok video of Mission Bone Marrow - Video TikTok di Missione Midollo Osseo Mission to leave hospital -...
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Maria Scuor
Jan 2023 min read
Road to Transplant – La Strada del Trapianto
Italian under each section A TikTok video of Gianni's journey - Un video TikTok del viaggio di Gianni The road to Gianni’s transplant...
300 views0 comments

Maria Scuor
Jan 118 min read
Holy Cross Hospital – Ospedale Santa Croce
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Videos of Gianni's journey so far - I video del percoso di Gianni finora TikTok video YouTube video Our...
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Maria Scuor
Nov 12, 20247 min read
World Diabetes Day – Giornata Mondiale del Diabete
Scorri a basso per l'italiano Since 1991 World Diabetes Day (WDD) has been campaigning to promote awareness on diabetes mellitus. World...
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Maria Scuor
Aug 18, 20246 min read
Social Wellness - Benessere Sociale
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video for this blog – Ecco un video di TikTok per questo blog I can’t believe It’s...
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Maria Scuor
Jul 29, 20248 min read
Benefits of Organization – Vantaggi dell'Organizzazione
Here is a TikTok video for this blog – Ecco un video TikTok per questo blog Our lives are go go go that we have a list on the fridge,...
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Maria Scuor
Jul 15, 20246 min read
Water does a body good - L'acqua fa bene al corpo
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video on staying hydrated - Ecco un video TikTok su come rimanere idratati This week it is...
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Maria Scuor
Jul 12, 20243 min read
Cherished Memories - Ricordi Cari
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video on this blog - Ecco un video TikTok su questo blog I use the word “cherished...
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Maria Scuor
Jul 5, 20246 min read
Spiritual Wellness - Benessere Spirituale
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video for this blog – Ecco un video di TikTok per questo blog It’s been a few weeks since...
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Maria Scuor
Jun 12, 20243 min read
Mindfulness - Consapevolezza
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video on Mindfulness - Ecco un video TikTok sulla Consapevolezza It is important to be in...
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Maria Scuor
Jun 11, 20246 min read
World Blood Donor Day - Giornata Mondiale del Donatore di Sangue
Scorri a basso per l’italiano June 14th is World Blood Donor Day and being that Gianni has Leukemia and has had many blood transfusions,...
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Maria Scuor
Jun 7, 20246 min read
Intellectual Wellness - Benessere Intellettuale
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video for this blog – Ecco un video di TikTok per questo blog The past few weeks we have...
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Maria Scuor
May 30, 20249 min read
World MS Day - Giornata Mondiale della SM
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video on World MS Day - Ecco un video TikTok sulla Giornata Mondiale della SM In July last...
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Maria Scuor
May 23, 20245 min read
Physical Wellness Part 4 - Benessere Fisico Parte 4
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video for this blog – Ecco un video di TikTok per questo blog The past few weeks we have...
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Maria Scuor
May 17, 20248 min read
Physical Wellness Part 3 – Benessere Fisico Parte 3
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video for this blog – Ecco un video di TikTok per questo blog The past couple of weeks we...
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Maria Scuor
May 8, 20248 min read
World Ovarian Cancer Day – Giornata Mondiale sul Tumore Ovarico
Scorri a basso per l’Italiano Here is a TikTok video for this blog – Ecco un video TikTok per questo blog Today is “World Ovarian Cancer...
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Maria Scuor
May 8, 20244 min read
Physical Wellness Part 2 – Benessere Fisico Parte 2
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video for this blog – Ecco un video di TikTok per questo blog Today I’m picking up...
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Maria Scuor
May 3, 20244 min read
Arona Promotes Wellness – Arona Promuove il Benessere
Italiano in ogni sezione Here is a TikTok video of Arona’s wellness approach - Ecco un video TikTok dell'approccio al benessere di Arona...
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Maria Scuor
May 3, 20248 min read
Get Moving – Muoviti
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here are two of my TikTok video 1 and video 2 on getting a move on - Ecco due dei miei video 1 e video 2...
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Maria Scuor
Apr 22, 20248 min read
Find the Positive in the Negative - Trova il Positivo nel Negativo
Scorri a basso per l'italiano Here is a TikTok video on this topic - Ecco un video TikTok su questo argomento With my physical body...
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Maria Scuor
Apr 12, 20245 min read
Gardening is life - Il Giardinaggio e Vita
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video on gardening – Ecco un video di Tiktok su giarinaggio I love gardening because as a...
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Maria Scuor
Apr 6, 20244 min read
World Health Day – Giornata Mondiale della Salute
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video on World Health Day - Ecco un video TikTok della Giornata Mondiale della Salute...
51 views0 comments

Maria Scuor
Feb 15, 20248 min read
Heart Health Month
In Canada and the USA, February is the dedicated month for supporting and getting to know more about heart health. It was 60 years ago...
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Maria Scuor
Feb 10, 20243 min read
In my life, I've had a few people struggle and die of mesothelioma. I really wasn’t educated on the disease back then, but with Gianni...
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Maria Scuor
Jan 26, 20244 min read
Smile Challenge – Sfida del Sorriso
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Smile challenge TikTok video – TikTok video di Sfida del Sorriso On my morning walk today I tried a smile...
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Maria Scuor
Jan 22, 20245 min read
Explore and Learn – Esplori e Impari
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video on this subject - Ecco un video TikTok su questo argomento Something I regret is not...
90 views0 comments

Maria Scuor
Jan 12, 20246 min read
Fear of the Unknown - Paura Dell'ignoto
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Fear of the unknown is the tendency to be afraid when you have no information on any level about something...
141 views0 comments

Maria Scuor
Jan 1, 20245 min read
2024 Time for Self-Care - 2024 Tempo di Salute
Scorri a basso per l'italiano Here is my TikTok video to support self-care - Ecco il mio video TikTok per supportare la cura di sé Time...
144 views0 comments

Maria Scuor
Sep 28, 20239 min read
60 Years in the Making – 60 Anni di Vita
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Here is a TikTok video for my 60th birthday - Ecco un video TikTok per il mio 60esimo compleanno Today is...
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Maria Scuor
Sep 25, 20234 min read
Lemons – Limoni
Scorri a basso per l’italiano Being that I have this little lemon tree in my garden that has had this lemon holding strong since March...
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Maria Scuor
Sep 10, 20233 min read
Corso Europa Fitness Trail – Percorso Vita Lungo Corso Europa
Scorri a basso per l’italiano We have been living in Arona for just over a year because of the leukemia therapy Gianni gets at the Novara...
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Maria Scuor
Aug 31, 202318 min read
This is Blood Cancer - Questo e il Cancro del Sangue
Scorri a basso per l'italiano Here is a TikTok video about blood cancer - Ecco un video di TikTok sul cancro del sangue September is...
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Maria Scuor
Aug 16, 20235 min read
Gardening does a body good - Il giardinaggio fa bene al corpo
Scorri a basso per l'italiano I've always loved gardening because as a little girl I would follow my dad around his garden. I'd listen...
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Maria Scuor
Feb 24, 20234 min read
Mind Games - Giochi Mentali
Scorri a basso per I’italiano Do you ever feel your brain doesn’t stop? It just races from one scenario to the next and just keeps going...
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Maria Scuor
Jan 9, 20234 min read
After the rains – Dopo le Piogge
Scorri a basso per I’italiano Yesterday we had a rainy, drizzly and drab kind of day in Arona. Something we don’t see too often, but...
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Maria Scuor
Dec 26, 202214 min read
Novara Major Hospital of Charity - Ospedale Maggiore della Carita Novara
Italiano dopo ogni sezione Here is a video of this extraordinary hospital - Ecco un video di questo ospedale straordinario On June 19th...
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Maria Scuor
Nov 17, 20226 min read
It’s OK to not be OK - Va Bene Non Essere OK
Scorri a basso per I’italiano This has been a rough week and I was reminded by my daughter that it’s ok to not be ok. I can’t believe...
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Maria Scuor
Nov 8, 20224 min read
Flowers of Stresa and Povoletto Italy and How Flowers Benefit our Health
I fiori di Stresa e Povoletto Italia e come i fiori giovano alla nostra salute - L'italiano segue ogni sezione L'italiano segue dopo ogni...
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Maria Scuor
Oct 23, 20225 min read
Asparagus – Asparagi
Scorri a basso per I'italiano I bet when I say “asparagus” the first thing you think of is the smell of your pee when you eat them. Am I...
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Maria Scuor
Oct 19, 20224 min read
Good Vs Bad Carbs - Carboidrati Buoni Contro Cattivi
Scorri a basso per I'italiano All carbs break down glucose but the best carbs for our health are the ones closest-to-nature state as...
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Maria Scuor
Aug 21, 20225 min read
Wear Sunglasses – Indossi Occhiali da Sole
Scorri a basso per I’italiano This blog complements my “ Give Your Eyes a Break and the Link Between Mental Health and Our Vision ” blog...
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Maria Scuor
Aug 19, 20224 min read
Give Your Eyes a Break and the Link Between Mental Health and Our Vision
I’ve had several people reach out to me regarding eye health and today I’m going to talk about our eyes, how they can get strained from...
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Maria Scuor
Jul 24, 20227 min read
Loneliness + Inner Strength = Peace Solitudine + Forza Interiore = Pace
Scorri a basso per l'italiano If you look up the word loneliness in the dictionary there are a few different meanings: Being without...
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Maria Scuor
Jul 21, 20226 min read
What we Need to Know About Pedicures - Quello che Dobbiamo Sapere sui pedicure
Scorri a basso per l'italiano It wasn't until four years ago that I started to have pedicures because I am one of those people that don't...
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Maria Scuor
Jul 18, 20224 min read
When The Heat Doesn’t go Away Quando il Caldo No Va Via…
Scorri verso il basso per L’Italiano Never thought that living in Northern Italy I’d be living in a heatwave. The past two weeks it’s...
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Maria Scuor
Jun 14, 20222 min read
June - Inspire our Men to Live Healthier
Since 1992 when the Men's Health Network has been celebrating Men's Health Month. The need to bring awareness to all health issues men...
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Maria Scuor
Jun 5, 20222 min read
Meditation - Give it 10 Minutes
Allowing space for our emotions to be explored is very powerful. Understanding why we are sad or happy, why we are stressed or calm,...
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Maria Scuor
May 16, 20223 min read
Slow it Down and Enjoy Every Mouthful
Living in Italy has made us slow down in every way as life here is about enjoying every moment. Workers actually walk away from work and...
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Maria Scuor
May 11, 20223 min read
Feed Our Brains by Challenging Them
Feeding our brains is just as important as feeding our bodies. Of course the food we eat has a lot to do with the way our brain...
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Maria Scuor
May 2, 20222 min read
#GetReal Mental Health Week May 2 - May 8
Today starts the 71st annual Mental Health week in Canada which launched across our nation in 1951. In 1918 the Canadian Mental Health...
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