This mindful moment started on Sunday when I was watching American Idol with Gianni and we watched Chayce Beckham sing his amazing rendition of Bryan Adam’s “Everything I do”. Listening to the words brought me back to my wellness journey and why I’m doing what I’m doing. Originally I started my wellness journey because I wanted to be healthy for my family. As I lay in the Cocoon pod and meditated I got in touch with what I was feeling and that reflection got me to dig deep inside me.
I’ve been blessed with amazing family, and that is the cornerstone of who I am. My mother and father worked hard all their lives but also enjoyed it to the fullest. These are values I live by every day. My brother and I couldn’t be more different but have the upmost respect for each other. We have done everything for our parents and together we have gone through heartache to see dad die of Alzheimer’s and mom now being taken away from us with dementia. But through this our bond of doing the right thing for the moment has never wavered. Our love has never wavered.
My soul mate Gianni, and yes there is love at first sight, helps get me through the good, the bad and the tough times. Boy how time flies as we meet 40 years ago in May. Today I don’t know how I could ever live without him. Of course like all couple we get through some epic battles but those are what keep our foundation solid and in turn have made for some incredible cherished moments of true love. Especially raising our own little family.
As I ponder “Everything I do” – I think about my kids. Angela (Ian, Brody, Blake), Steven (Sarah, Weston, Jameson) and Crystal (Chris). Three kids that come from two parents and so different from each other. Each in their own right are living the life they absolutely love. I know Gianni and I have done something right as they all have passion for everything they do, live for their family, are first to help someone in need, and live life to the fullest. And we couldn't be more proud. My four grandsons rock the ground I walk on when I’m with them. I grow my wellness when I take the time to look at life through their eyes. There is not better reason then doing what I do for them. When I need a tiramisu (pick me up) all I have to do is think of those four boys. And life is perfect.
With only one sibling, my sister-in-law, Lianne became my sister as soon as she was part of our family. My nephews Serafino and Vincent have been zia’s amore for many years now and the love of an aunt is just as close as being a mother. They have brought joy and I cherish every conversation we have. They are coming into their own and doing what I do for them brings immense happiness in my life.
I’m blessed to have a few of cousins who continue to be in my life. When we get together the memories from younger days always spark up great conversations. The pandemic hasn’t allowed me to see my two uncles or my aunt. But knowing they are taken care of by my cousins truly makes me happy.
Friends near and far are always a treasure. I learn so much from them and I love spending time with them. Lately the time is on Zoom calls but that’s OK. We are so blessed with technology and communication in any form allows us to be connected and make a difference.
Finally I reflect on my career at TELUS and everything I do there…..For three weeks I was on the COVID 19 queue to help seniors book their vaccine appointments. That was one of the most rewarding jobs I did at TELUS as the stories that made me cry are endless. I was making a difference in someone’s life and they told me over and over that I was saving them. That work came at a price because not only did I work 8 hours answering the calls but I had a team and customers of my own I had to take care of. So the hours and weeks were long. Did you ever thing sitting on your butt could be a bad thing. Well if you get Piriformis Syndrome yes it is a bad thing. Having been active for almost two years the sitting did me in. And now I go to physio to help with healing the muscle. But I wouldn’t trade my experience for any money. Mindful moments come in many formats. As I lay in the Cocoon pod, I hope it too will help heal the aches and pains that come with age.
Now I reflect on the new job I’m embarking on. What better way to promote wellness than to be a wellness ambassador for the company you work for, full time? I’ve been doing this as a secondary job but next week I embark on spreading wellness to anyone in my organization that wants to learn about it. I’ve been on my wellness journey for two years, and started my wellness website last year, this year I kick it up a notch! Everything I do, I will do for anyone that wants to get their wellness in check. I will also bring Alzheimer’s and Dementia to the forefront with the launch of my cookbook. Mindful moments come in many ways….Today’s is about taking a moment to thank everyone who has touched my heart and saying thank you for EVERYTHING YOU DO!
