Serves: 4
This lasagna was supposed to be finished in the oven but due to a power outage ended up making it all on the gas stove. I made the baby meatballs from meatballs I had in the freezer. I thawed them out and then made baby ones. The kids absolutely loved this meal.
Baby meatballs
1 tbsp olive oil
1 cup chopped onions
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 jar Passata tomato sauce
1 can diced tomatoes with garlic
1 cup water
1 pack oven ready lasagna noodles
18 baby bocconcini
¼ cup shredded parmesan
½ cup shredded mozzarella
Make baby meatballs out of meatballs
Heat oil in large coverable sauté pan and cook onions and garlic until tender
Add baby meatballs and cook until browned
Pour in Passata, diced tomatoes and put water into Passata jar and shake into pan
Bring to a boil and cover for five minutes
Chop lasagna noodles in thirds and add into sauce
Stir them until covered with sauce
Lower to simmer and let cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally
Add bocconcini, shredded parmesan and mozzarella
Cover and let simmer on lowest heat for ten minutes
Turn off and let sit for five minutes before serving